Wollondilly Civic Centre Master Plan

Picton, NSW

e8urban prepared a master plan for Council-owned land within Picton Town Centre in Wollondilly Shire.

The purpose of the project was to develop a vision for new community, cultural and civic facilities, that would be the basis of a State Government grant funding application.

The master plan re-imagined the existing car-dominated void within the centre of the town as a vibrant pedestrian focused pedestrian space, with fine-grain  blocks, refurbished heritage buildings, a bend of activities and high quality public domain.

The funding application was successful and council has subsequently progressed the master plan into a series of projects that will be realised over the coming three years.

Wollondilly Civic Centre Master Plan
Wollondilly Civic Centre Master Plan
Wollondilly Civic Centre Master Plan
Wollondilly Civic Centre Master Plan
Wollondilly Civic Centre Master Plan


Master Plan


5 ha

Business Case

Key Collaborators
Architects: Stephen Pearse Architecture